Saturday, October 25, 2008


Alright people it's time to get serious. Mcmonopoly is almost over and I'm still not a millionaire, I'm not even a thousandaire yet! This isn't your fault, you've all tried to help. After chatting with the Captain I finally have a run down of what we NEED. Here it is. Let's all hope one of you has one of these pieces. Fingers crossed.
Golden Ave.
Boardwalk (The ever elusive Boardwalk. My entire family desperately tried for this piece one year while we played in New York, we never got it.)
Short Line Rail Road
Water Works

Let's do this team. Let's do it for America. Let's do it for the economy. Let's do it for me.


Katie Irion said...

Wisco gots nothin'. Blast. We will push on to the end though. Ricky doesn't need too much of an excuse to go to McDonalds. We did win a free fry though! Yipee!

erica said...

I want you to know that I have 42 pieces and you don't need a darn one. For some weird reason I feel like this game is going to ruin our friendship.

Unless you buy me some McNuggs!

Aubree said...

I got Pacific Ave, New York Ave, Indiana Ave, Baltic, and Illinois Ave if you need them. Best of luck on fulfilling your dreams.