Monday, June 23, 2008

Alright Already.

Summer is the season of love. Even if you wanted to ignore this fact, it'd be impossible. Anxiously awaiting the American re arrival of Rich and Deb doesn't take up that much time. School is over, so that is no longer occupying any time, this leave Emily with a lot of free time. Usually I like to kill some of this free time with my old friend TV, but no longer. TV and I are not on the best of terms. I sat through the 24/7 coverage of Anna Nicole Smiths death, I gritted my teeth and smiled through Lifetime Networks reality flop "Yo Momma Don't Dance", I guess what I'm saying is I've been there through thick and thin and now I'm let down. What did TV do to lose such loyalty? It has become fully and completely taken over by wedding mania. Every time I flip my old friend on it's shoving martial bliss back in my face. Ok, ok Target I get it, the happiest of couples register there. Alright David's Bridal, you have wedding dresses for $99.00 you're right that is a good deal. Really Style Network? Another marathon of "Married Away"? Call me a cynic, call me bitter, call me angry but I am over wedding season. Until TV programmers are also over summer of '08 aka wedding season of the year, I'm only watching The Food Network and/or TV on DVD.


Vera said...

Hey, now there you are.... are we gonna see you at the shing dig on the 12th? Hope so...

erica said...

you should watch design star...that's a pretty good one that doesn't have love in it.

kimmy girl said...

You and me both sister. Wedding season being over means I get my life back. Ps-jo just told me again today how much she misses you!!! Xoxo

rachel said...
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